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11 document(s) or link(s) found

ADIPREM, Asociación Catalana de Aditivos y Premezclas, Nutricionales y Medicamentosas, para la Alimentación y Salud Animal - Catalan (Spanish) Association for feed and animal heath additives and premixes. ADIPREM (2002) [Code:4143]

AFIA, American Feed Industry Association, USA. AFIA, American Feed Industry Association, USA (2000) [Code:2701]

AHPA Almond hullers and processors association. Almond Hullers and Processors Association 2350 Lecco Way Merced, California 95340 USA (2003) [Code:4232]

AIFE Asociación Interprofesionales de Forrajes Españoles - Spanish Association of Forage Producers. AIFE (2002) [Code:4120]

COCERAL - Comité du Commerce des céréales, aliments du bétail, oléagineux, huile d'olive, huiles et graisses et agrofournitures - European association representing trade in cereals, feedstuffs, oilseeds, olive oil and agrosupply at the European Union. COCERAL (2002) [Code:4098]

FEDIAF The European Pet Food Industry Federation. FEDIAF (2002) [Code:4118]

IFFO International fishmeal and fish oil organisation. IFFO (2002) [Code:4105]

La pulpe de betterave. Confédération Générale des planteurs de Betterave (2002) [Code:4103]

Les luzernes déshydratées - Site du SNDF - Syndicat National des Déshydrateurs Français - French producers of dehydrated alfalfa. SNDF (2002) [Code:4084]

Nutrition animale - Site du SNIA, Syndicat National des Industriels de la Nutrition Animale. SNIA (2002) [Code:4142]

SIFCO - Syndicats des Industries Françaises de Co-produits Animaux. SIFCO (2002) [Code:4172]

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