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Feedinamics: on-line calculator of feed values
FeedTables: INRAE-CIRAD-AFZ feed tables of composition and nutritive values
Feedipedia: an on-line encyclopedia of animal feeds (INRA, CIRAD, AFZ et FAO)
EvaPig: free software for calculating the nutritional values of pig feeds
INRA-AFZ tables of composition and nutritive value of feed materials (2002-2004)

Technical data
  • Nomenclature and definitions of feed materials
  • Chemical composition and nutritional values
  • Download EvaPig, free software for calculating the nutritional values of pig feeds
  • Download AmiPig - digestibilities of amino acids in feedstuffs for pigs
  • Updated 13 October 2023
Feed profile of the week: Beet pulp, dehydrated

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